Red Wolf Animation Frames
Red wolf frames 1-58 are for sale! 8.5 x 11 no mat or frame.
Select the frame you would like in the dropdown, or choose random.
I decided to price these at $5 - $7 depending on the pose, with an added $3 for shipping and packing. Random is $3 + shipping!
All proceeds go towards a larger film/animation this fall semester. Thank you so much.
The Red Wolf habitat is all along the US South. I am so interested in this animal in doing research about the logging industry in this region where my Grandpa worked. There are, to my sources, only 40 confirmed Red Wolves in the "wild." There are more paper frames for sale here than red wolves in their natural habitat...
I hope we can bring back these habitats for the future of Red Wolves.
Learn more here: