Silence is Golden - Spring 2020
In 2020, Disney acquired the National Geographic Society. National Geographic's roots are deeply tied to US politics. National Geographic's founders in 1888 were primarily men working for the US government. The purpose of the magazine was to inform investors of economic opportunities, advance science for economic gain, and compete with European imperialism of the time. National Geographic was about building US Power after reconstruction, and would later become an iconic public magazine for educating the public of US imperialism at home and abroad. |
In the 1930s, Walt Disney used National Geographic photos as a source of inspiration for characters and environments, resulting in a direct correlation of entertainment and US imperialism. Walter Benjamin's work, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" (1935) was a warning about government and entertainment becoming the same.
Tiger Balm, Spring 2019
This work was inspired by the dichotomy of a healing product (made of camphor) associated with a violent past that displaces and eliminates the animal that represents it. |
Synchroni - City, Fall 2019