This is a "sod boulevard" also called a "hell strip" or a median. ----->
If I ever have the time or the chance to really develop this idea, I would love to try to work with neighborhoods to build wildflower trails through cities. Wildflower gardens that are curated with plants specifically native to the environment to the region, super easy to manage, salt tolerant, drought tolerant, and beautiful. The trails could be connected by an app, or a paper map that also teaches people about the names of the flowers they are seeing, and their uses. See below for a rough prototype of this project. |
McMorran Wildflower Corridor
This is a spinoff of the pollinator highway, a project that connects two rivers in my hometown. It also connects several major institutions in our downtown area. My hope is that it could bring more people to walk around downtown, and be a similar experience as the river walk - with educational components and art - which has been very successful and popular in the city. |